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Denim – A Mark Of Revolution?

Writer: SiiriSiiri

I dare to claim that everyone of us has a pare of jeans, some even have multiple pares in variety of different shapes and colors, and some have denim in every shape and form there is; skirts, shirts, jackets, shorts and so on... But even if you're not a denim fanatic we all know the joy of finding those perfect jeans. They make us feel confident, cool and oddly a little bit of rebellious. But what's even better than jeans being a source of confidence is that they're one of the rare items that are so easy to wear and style as well. I mean think about it jeans and a white t-shirt is so basic but it works every time, jeans and a leather jacket looks amazing, jeans with heels looks super cool, jeans and a lace blouse looks just fantastic... Anyway in this post I'm going to take you down the memory lane all the way from the 19th centry to now in denims history and go round about why denim came here to stay. This is also a new series in my blog where I choose fabric, style or item which I think is timeless and we will go into more detail about its history and meaning in culture, fashion and society.

How jeans were invented

Denim's roots are actually in Europe where the fabric was developed but obviously it rose to fame due to american invention Jeans in the 19th centry. Jeans were initially desinged for mine workers that diged gold in California. Gold miners needed pants that were more durable and sustainable in the mining environment and were easy to clean after work. To meet the demands Jacob Davis and Levi Strauss who had a company Levi Strauss & Co started working together to manufactor jeans durable enough so that the pockets didn't tear apart like in other pants but comfortable enough to move in and work all day. This turning point in work wear really paved the way for jeans to rise in the cult item's position, it also meant that Levi Strauss & Co would stay in the pages of history as the denim legents.

History of denim in a nutshell

Although jeans are loved almoust everywhere denim's path to success didn't happen in snap of a finger but its way to our hearts was undoubtedly writen in the stars.

As we know in the 1800s denim was first used in work clothing and at the time wasn't considered fashionable.

In 1930s denim's purpose as a clothing item started shifting due to its appearance in Hollywood's cowboy movies. As a result jeans became widely popular and were even featured for the first time in Vogue suggesting that jeans can be fashionable and for women too.

Then in 1950s jeans's reputation as a rebelious fashion statement was born when pop culture legents such as James Dean and Marlon Brando popularized jeans in their movies, the "bad boy" look was born.

The hippie age turned tables again and now women found wearing denim much more easier as well. In the 1960s denim became a symbol of freedom and introduced different shapes to the market; flares and low rise were in, denim jacket and double denim were also very fashionable.

1970s continued the new rise that had happened in the 60s but now denim also became to symbolize fresh, healthy, American sexuality. Denim shirt and vests also rose to fashion in the 70s

1980s was the decade for designers and new highend brands took the market. 80s introdused us to acid wash, stone wash and ripped jeans. Jeans also became skinnier and tapered at the ankle.

The grunge era was more about casual fashion and in the 1990s carpenter jeans, overalls, shortalls and baggy jeans took our wardrobes.

2000s was defenedly the era of skinny jeans as well as the super low rised and boot cut styles which pop stars like Britney Spears rocked in the early 2000s.

Skinny jeans took the trophy as the most popular jeans for its amazing durability. Thanks to skinny jeans, now jeans could be worn almoust anywhere, in work, casual events and parties. Even thought skinny jeans rules the denim market other styles became desirable in 2010 to now. Most likely high rise and vintage styles are folted together with our perfect skinny jeans.

What jeans mean in todays world

Jeans were pretty much discovered during the Industrial Revolution in the 19th centry when their porpuse was pretty much to meet the needs of the miners. Yet they were still a sensational innovation. But ever since when jeans lost it status as a "work wear only" their symbol in fashion became quite, well... revolutional. Jeans have been the mark of a "bad boy" look, symbol of freedon, rebellion and youth as well as sing of a certain lifestyle. But what is jeans' meanning in todays multicultural world?

When you think of jeans maybe you think of America because of their roots, maybe you think of all those things jeans symbolized in that past decades but mostly I feel like we think of jeans as a stable wardrobe basic that we can't live without, at least I can't. In todays world jeans are more than current. Namely jeans are one of those items that are unisex, classic, have no class category, all ages can wear them plus their ridiculously easy to style. Every one looks good in them, there's style for everybody and their still good investment because of their durability. Actually jeans symbolize really well our diverse society and busy lifestyles today. Their perfect easy outfit for teens, busy single moms, busines women that just want to get it done and look good, they look banging on festivals, rock concerst or grocery shopping or even picking out your first Chanel bag.

Fact is that is really hard to go wrong with jeans. But even jeans have their down side. As many of you might know jeans are usualy made from cotton which unfotunately is a plant that takes up massive amouts of water and space to grow on. In the future we have to find more sustainable ways to produce not only jeans but other clothing items as well. Maybe those vintage jeans will become a big thing or jeans will become a whole lot different or maybe denim will even lose its popularity...who knows.

Thank you so much for reading.




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